Stitching and Beyond Inc.

exploring textile boundaries

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Out of Hand Exhibition 2023 – 22 SEPT TO 2 OCT 2023 – LONG GALLERY

Stitching and Beyond will be holding the 2023 Out of Hand Exhibition from 22nd Sept to 2nd October 2023 at the Long Gallery. The exhibition is open to all members of Stitching and Beyond and is free to enter. The conditions of entry can be found on the website. Below are the important dates associated with the exhibition.
Entries Open: 1 August 2023
Entries Close: 5pm 1 September 2023
Hand In of entries: 10am to 12 pm 20 September 2023
Hanging exhibition and curation: Wed 20 to Thursday 21 September
Opening of exhibition: 6pm Thursday 21 September 2023
Exhibition Open to public: 10am to 4pm Friday 22 September to Sunday 1 October and 10am to 3pm Monday 2 October
Exhibition Closes: 3pm Monday 2 October 2023
Pick Up of sold and unsold works: 3pm to 5pm Monday 2 October 2023

For more information please contact